Energy Healing For Guardians

I decided to include the guardians here because animals need humans to heal themselves so that they can heal. They are so closely entwined with our lives that they can ‘mirror’ our emotions and reflect back to us what we are feeling. They are our greatest teachers as long as we are willing to listen to them. 

As humans, life can get pretty stressful and busy and we must take some time out for ourselves.

Energy healing is a beautiful and relaxing way of realigning the energy systems or chakras of the body, balancing the hormones again and the nervous system. It allows the body to rebalance and therefore encourages healing to take place. We can honor our body and offer it what it deserves. I may also feel to add crystals to the healing, these stone people are such amazing healers!

Exchange - 

Energy healing  -  £25 (30  mins) 

You can also add a Flower Essence reading to this offering. I will take you on a beautiful plant meditation journey. Following this you will choose three essences which will tell a story. You will take away the Essence mix to help you on your healing journey.

Energy healing and Flower Essence reading - £60 (1h15)